domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017

Fungi - Kavanagh (NUEVO ENLACE)

Título: Fungi, biology and applicactions
Autor(es): Kevin Kavanagh
Tamaño: 5 MB
Idioma: Inglés
Formato: PDF - eBook.
Sitio de descarga: Google drive

1 Introduction to Fungal Physiology

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Morphology of Yeasts and Fungi 2
1.3 Ultrastructure and Function of Fungal Cells 4
1.4 Fungal Nutrition and Cellular Biosyntheses 11
1.5 Fungal Metabolism 21
1.6 Fungal Growth and Reproduction 26
1.7 Conclusions 33

2 Fungal Genetics

2.1 Introduction 37
2.2 Fungal Life Cycles 39
2.3 Sexual Analysis: Regulation of Mating 46
2.4 Unique Characteristics of Filamentous Fungi that are Advantageous for Genetic Analysis 51
2.5 Genetics as a Tool 52
2.6 Conclusion 62

3 Fungal Genomics

3.1 Introduction 67
3.2 Genome Sequencing 73
3.3 Bioinformatics Tools 77
3.4 Comparative Genomics 83
3.5 Genomics and the Fungal Tree of Life 87
3.6 Online Fungal Genomic Resources 89
3.7 Conclusion 92

4 Fungal Genetics: A Post-Genomic Perspective

4.1 Introduction 95
4.2 Genomics 96
4.3 Transcriptomics and Proteomics 106
4.4 Proteomics 110
4.5 Systems Biology 119
4.6 Conclusion 121

5 Fungal Fermentations Systems and Products

5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Fungal Fermentation Systems 126
5.3 Commercial Fungal Products 132
5.4 Conclusion 145

6 Pharmaceutical and Chemical Commodities from Fungi

6.1 Introduction to Pharmaceutical and Chemical Commodities 147
6.2 Fungal Metabolism 148
6.3 Antibiotic Production 150
6.4 Pharmacologically Active Products 156
6.5 Chemical Commodities 162
6.6 Yeast Extracts 172
6.7 Enriched Yeast 174
6.8 Conclusions 177

7 Biotechnological Use of Fungal Enzymes

7.1 Introduction to Enzymes 179
7.2 Enzymes in Industry 180
7.3 Current Enzyme Applications 180
7.4 Future Direction of Industrial Enzymes 186
7.5 Specific Enzymes 186
7.6 Enzyme Production Strategies 201
7.7 Conclusions 202

8 The Biotechnological Exploitation of Heterologous Protein Production in Fungi

8.1 Introduction 205
8.2 Heterologous Protein Expression in Fungi 206
8.3 Case Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine: A Billion Dollar Heterologous Protein from Yeast 218
8.4 Further Biotechnological Applications of Expression Technology 222
8.5 Conclusions 227

9 Fungal Proteomics

9.1 Introduction 231
9.2 Protein Isolation and Purification 234
9.3 Electrophoretic Techniques 237
9.4 Protein Mass Spectrometry 240
9.5 Fungal Proteomics 247
9.6 Specialized Proteomics Applications in Fungal Research 252
9.7 Conclusion 253

10 Fungal Infections of Humans

10.1 Introduction 257
10.2 Superficial Mycoses 258
10.3 Opportunistic Mycoses 259
10.4 Endemic Systemic Mycoses 273
10.5 Mycotoxicoses 275
10.6 Concluding Remarks 276

11 Antifungal Agents for Use in Human Therapy

11.1 Introduction 279
11.2 Drugs Targeting the Plasma Membrane 281
11.3 Drugs Targeting the Cell Wall 296
11.4 Drugs Targeting Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis 300
11.5 Novel Therapies 304
11.6 Conclusions 310           

12 Fungal Pathogens of Plants

12.1 Fungal Pathogens of Plants 313
12.2 Disease Symptoms 314
12.3 Factors Influencing Disease Development 318
12.4 The Disease Cycle 319
12.5 Genetics of the Plant–Fungal Pathogen Interaction 320
12.6 Mechanisms of Fungal Plant Parasitism 320
12.7 Mechanisms of Host Defence 324
12.8 Disease Control 326
12.9 Disease Detection and Diagnosis 329
12.10 Vascular Wilt Diseases 331
12.11 Blights 334
12.12 Rots and Damping-Off Diseases 336
12.13 Leaf and Stem Spots, Anthracnose and Scabs 338
12.14 Rusts, Smuts and Powdery Mildew Diseases 339
12.15 Global Repercussions of Fungal Diseases of Plants 340
12.16 Conclusions 342

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